Annual Stryber Corporate Venturing Report Europe

Access our exclusive market research of industry activities covering Corporate Venture Capital, Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Venture Building in Europe. This issue features special expert interviews on topics such as AI, Sustainability, and Embedded Finance.
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Key insights


CVC deal volume and funding declined in 2022 but corporates continued to show strong interest in investing in early-stage businesses and startups.


M&A activity remained strong in the first half of the year, but investment dropped off dramatically in the second half as a result of the capital markets drying up.


CVB emerged as a crucial tool for corporations to maintain their competitiveness and innovation efforts while cutting costs.

About the authors


Andries Smit

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Chief of Venture Operations

Matthieu van Haperen

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Associate Partner

Robert Högler

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Venture Architect

Jonathan Liemann

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